Monday, April 5, 2010

How To Start A Website And Make Money

How to start a website and make money online? There are two approaches to starting a website/blog. One being the free no overhead method by setting up on a blogsite like wordpress,blogger, ect. The other being register your own domain name (  anywhere from $10 +/year year. Next find a webhosting site to store your files and pages online anywhere from $10-$40/month, and design your ownsite or pay someone to do this your choice. Now that you know your choices, this is How to start a website and make money online. Research a topic that you enjoy personally. Think about what people will type into the search engines relating to your topic. Next create lots of content on your topic regularly using these keywords in good rich text. This is a good habit to get into when choosing your topics, using keywords well will make you able to start making money online in Canada and anywhere else. Keywords alone won't make you money, this willl bring you key traffic that will make you money if done right. To start making money online in Canada on your website you will have to apply for money making opportunities such as adsense, and other affiliate sites to advertise for.  Now that you got the basics, pay attention, and i will tell you how to start a website and make money. I suggest you start with a free blog, to gain some revenue first. Some free blog websites dont allow you to post ads so reasearch this before making your decision where you are going to bring your site too. Remember ads is what will able you to start making money online in canada and anywhere else. Set up your pages of content on the topic you want for that peticular blog. Now go to and sign up for a free account. After review of your website you will be approved to advertise for Google. You will be able to set up various different styles of ads with many different color schemes to be incorperated with your website. After deciding what you want to go with, you will get a small HTML code to copy and paste on your website. "So how does this allow me to start making money online in Canada?" These ads are linked to your google adsense account, which works on a pay per click basis.  The more traffic you have to your site, the more people click ads, the higher amount of money you will be paid. You can check your daily stats on google adsense daily and traffic what you earned daily. "I did this and im only making money online in canada in the pennys?" Many people fail making money online in canada and anywhere else because of one key point they dont drive proper quality traffic to there site and they give up once they cant bring traffic overnight. You can check out my related blog "bring traffic to your website" to get a grip on this topic.  "What are other ways how to start a website and make money?" Affiliate sites are a huge huge huge huge way to earn money online in canada and anywhere else in the world. There are tons of affiliate sites out there, that will advertise products on your website and pay you per purchase. You can search around for what ones best suit your page, they are easy steps to follow to set them up on your website, and brings a whole new stream of income to your website. A good goal to start is to even average $5-$10 a day for each different topic you make a blog about. It may not seem like alot, but say you got 50 different topics making $10 a day, thats $500 a day now. Time will allow your website to grow and make money online in canada. Getting a good quality of traffic and having good content on your website will allow you to dominate your topic and bring in a great revenue

Sunday, April 4, 2010

How A Website Makes Money

How a website makes money, where do i get started on this topic. How a website makes money is off the volume of traffic they earn, and how many paid per click advertisements. Another way how a website makes money is affiliate sites such as amazon, click bank, ECT. The creator of the website must work hard and have unique ideas on certain topics, then incorporate these topics with ads and related items for sale. These ads and related items for sale is how a website makes money. Example if your website gets 10,000 visitors a day. Only 1,000 visitors click your Google Adsense, with an average pay per click of $0.25. You make 250 dollars a day from Google Adsense. Now factor in the amount of sales commission that you received from click bank and amazon. Out of the 10,000 visitors u only made 1,000 in sales with a sales commission of 15 percent. This is an extra 150 dollars, so your total revenue is $400/day. This is ultimately how a website makes money. Another way how a website makes money is selling services. Services such as e-books and merchandise may be available for purchase on a website. This is a more hands on way how a website makes money because they are not acting as a middle man. They are providing the merchandise first hand. They deal with pricing, inventory, customer issues and all the extra headaches that come from running a business. Paid per click and affiliate sites are made so you don't have to deal with the headaches, you act as a middle man. Taking services from one vendor and selling them to the customer for a commission. These are the two main ways how a website makes money.  Please check my related posts

Making Money On Your Website 
How To Start A Website And Make Money

How To Make Money From Your Home

Making Money On Your Website

I've talked about Google Adsense for making money online in Canada. This is only one example of making money online in Canada. There is handfuls of options out there that will allow you to start making money on your website. Amazon affiliates also allows you to start making money on your website. Users can sign up free for amazon affiliates at Amazon Affiliate .  I used amazon affiliates because they are a great site that allows you to make money online in Canada and also easy for you to start making money on your website.  First sign up for the free account stated earlier, then simply find  merchandise links relating to your website/blog, copy the simple html code, and add it to your website. Making money on your website with amazon affiliates works by every time someone visits your website/blog, and clicks your amazon link, and buys the related merchandise. You get paid a certain commission on the specific item you referred to sell. No inventory, no shipping, no headaches with customers. You act as a middle man and get paid by doing so. This makes a great way to advertise related merchandise on your website/blog and also makes an easy way for making money on your website. Another great way for making money on your website is clickbank. Clickbank works similar to amazon as you get paid a commission. When visitors to your page buys specific offer u middle man out from clickbank. Making money on your website from clickbank is simple as well. Sign up free at Clickbank and create a link that you can post on your website. These posts relate to your content on your website and gives links to offers that customers can purchase with you making a profit of course! Making money on your website has countless options. Making money online in Canada is growing dramatically over the past years. Dont miss out on your opportunity to do the same thing. Research ways on making money on your website and take everything into consideration before jumping into it and just throwing a bunch of ads and affiliates together. These steps will allow you to start making money online in canada. Please check out related posts.

Making Money Online In Canada With Google Adsense
How To Make Money From Your Home

How To Bring Traffic To Your Website

Making money online in Canada requires bringing large amounts of traffic to your website daily. There are many ways and sites that you can use to bring traffic to your website. This will be an essential page to help you earn money online. First things first, to earn money online in canada you will not succeed if the only way you bring traffic to your website is via telling friends on say facebook. Building traffic to your site will have to be well planned, and thought out when creating your website. There are plenty of search engines on the internet that are a great opportunity to draw waves of traffic to your website. The hard part is ranking on the top of these search engines such as google, yahoo, msn ect. When people search the internet they use keywords to obtain what they are looking for. The goal is capitalizing on these keywords that will relate to the topic of your website. For example let's say people are searching for improving my golf swing. Improving my golf swing are the keywords used in the search. Search engines like google and such look for content on the internet that use those keywords multiple times to give the searcher a good reference of related pages of content on those keywords. To make money online in Canada, you will have to find an efficient way to think of what keywords people would be searching related to your topic and use them frequently on your website/blog. Most search engines also take into consideration content on your site. Just throwing a bunch of the same keywords up on a page and putting advertisement up will not get you much traffic and you will not make money online in Canada. Its incorporating these keywords into good rich easy reading content that will allow you to make money online in Canada and draw traffic to your website. After thinking this over and developing a good rich website/blog full of great keywords you are ready to be heard. Now you must apply to the search engines so that your website/blog will be listed amongst their results. allows you to submit to the major search engines automatically but if you dig deep there is tons of websites that also submit your website to not so popular search engines but still gain you some traffic. To earn money online in Canada all the traffic helps no matter where it comes from. It is still good to tell friends about your website/blog, display it on facebook, myspace, and wherever else. This type of traffic will only account for about 1% of total traffic. The main way to make money online in Canada and have huge traffic daily with your website is to experiment with keywords, use them effectively, and be top ranked on major search engines. Top ranked simply means to be one of the top sites that a search engine returns to the searcher when typing in certain keywords. A successful website will have good rich content and massive traffic daily. The more traffic, the more people click your adds and buy from your affiliates. In the end the more money online in Canada you make daily. Master the skills of bringing traffic to your website and you will be making good money online. I hope this section helped you with bring traffic to your website, please check out other related posts.

Making Money Online In Canada With Google Adsense
Making Money On Your Website
How To Start A Website And Make Money
How Websites Make Money
How To Make Money From Your Home

Making Money Online In Canada With Google Adsense

Start a website, get people to click ads, start making money online in Canada. Simple? Not really. Making money online in Canada with Google Adsense can be obtained with 4 quite complex steps. These money making steps are as following; create a website, build your website with loads of good quality content, advertise with Google Adsense, and draw major amounts of traffic to your site. I will cover all four of these steps in detail with this blog. Making money online in Canada isn't as simple as people make it seem. It takes hard work, determination, and tons of networking to be successful. Take into consideration when deciding on a website for making money online in Canada. What are people searching about? How can I draw traffic to my site? what is a good topic that i love to talk about? Picking a topic you can talk lots about will help you to build content on your blog or website. For making money online in Canada you will need tons of good content or good reading for readers to be interested enough to click related links on these topics. 15-20 pages of good content is a great start to a website or blog but you gotta start somewhere. Making money online in Canada WILL NOT HAPPEN OVER NIGHT. Build a quality site, get established then head over to here you can sign up for a free Google Adsense account. You will need to submit a quality webpage to get approved to advertise for google adsense. The most difficult part to be successful making money online in Canada is drawing search traffic to your site. If you are interested in making money online in Canada you will need lots of viewers which in return will get you a bunch of clicked ads. This blog will get in depth with multiple streams of making money online in Canada with such things as clickbank, amazon affiliates, and google adsense. Please check out related posts on this blog.

How To Make Money From Your Home